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 OKM Meta Detector fusion 

Okm Fusion 3D Imaging metal detector
The latest and most advanced imaging device in the world from the old German OKM Factory.
Gold Master International, in cooperation with OKM German Factory, offers you the most advanced and advanced technology in the detection of gold, minerals, and underground treasures in the 3D metal detection system.
The Fusion device is the latest and recycled version for the 20th-anniversary edition of the Future 2018 device. The Fusion device is designed in two versions, an easy and simple version for beginners that suits everyone who wants to learn and enter the world of mineral exploration, as well as a copy for professionals from geologists and archaeological excavation missions around the world to help them On revealing secrets, treasures buried underground and caves and relics of ancient civilizations.
Fusion comes in a robust, less weighty, and more advanced design than the previous version, Future 2018

Available languages

 German language
 French language
 Turkish language
 the Russian language
 Chinese Language
 Japanese language

Parts and components

Tablet computer (laptop).
The new SRIS search disk for small metal targets.
3- The carrying case is well-equipped to resist water and shocks.
 Bluetooth headsets.
 The program for displaying evidence on it in 3D
Search stick.

device specifications

The FUSION is available in two different models
Okm Metal Detectors Fusion Professional
Okm Metal Detectors Fusion Professional Plus
Both models share the following features
 Bluetooth headphones
 wireless data transmission
 Tablet computer (laptop) equipped with the 3D imaging system, activated
 Display data with visualiza 3d software
 The new SRIS search disk for small metal targets
 A well-equipped bag to resist water and shocks

 OKM FUSION metal detector for beginners

OKM Fusion Professional Edition is suitable for beginners or small budgets, and the OKM fusion professional plus version is ideal for advanced professionals in the goldfield who need more operating features.

:Okm Fusion metal Detector for professionnel

It can be used in both vertical and horizontal directions and supports the following modes
* Ground scan: Perform standard 3D graphics for detailed analysis and display on a computer screen.
* Direct sound: manipulate the magnetic field to detect ferrous metals using the sound system.


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