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Garett Gti 2500 Pro Package Metal detector Reviews

GARRETT GTI 2500 Overview:

While you're treasure hunting it's fun to imagine what you might find: a bag of coins, jewelry, war relics, or even a nugget of gold. Only Garrett's patented Graphic Target Imaging (GTI) technology lets you "see" what's really buried below. Most metal detectors can only determine a target's depth (if it's a coin) and the kind of metal its made of. However, the GTI goes a step further and also reveals the target's true size and true depth (no matter what the target is) via a unique, user-friendly graphic Imaging display. Sophisticated information like this is invaluable, especially when a detection signal can be attributed to any one of several similarly conductive but different sized objects. For example, a coin, a screw top and a drink can will all trigger a penny signal. Without size information you have no idea what the target really is until you dig it up. The Garrett GTI 2500 metal detectors ability to determine a detected target's size takes the guesswork out of the hunt so you don't waste time digging unwanted items like trash. At the heart this technology is Garrett's exclusive onboard Power Master DSP (digital signal processing) chip and superior 9 1/2" super deep Imaging searchcoil. Power Master DSP gives the GTI the boost of intelligence it needs to discriminate more accurately and find and identify deeply buried objects. Enlarge the scope of your scanning area with the 91/2" super deep Imaging searchcoil and you can find treasure at even greater depths.

Garett gti 2500

c Target Imaging (GTI) shows true target size and depth.

Graphic Target Analyzer (GTA) identifies target's conductivity.

True Digital Signal Processor (DSP) improves discrimination accuracy.

ScanTrack optimizes treasure signals based on searchcoil swing speed.

Ground Balance: 

Automatic and also manually adjustable.

All Metal, Non-Motion Deepseeking Mode: Allows hovering over target .

User-adjustable Volume, Threshold, Tone, Sensitivity, Discrimination.

Salt Elimination Aid: 

Eliminate interference caused by wetted salt at beach.

Hip Mount Battery Pack: Reduces detector weight for long searches.

FastTrack Ground Balance for use in All Metal Mode.

Surface Elimination: 

Adjustable search aid ignores shallow, undesired items.

LCD Backlight: 

To illuminate LCD screen for improved visibility.

External Speaker and Headphone Jack: Quarter-inch (1/4") size.

Coin Alert Belltone Audio: Garrett sound for high conductivity targets.

Last Mode Switching: switch from All-Metal into last-used discrim. mode


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