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CTX 3030 Metal Detector custom reviews

The waterproof all-terrain CTX 3030 is the ultimate high performance TREASURE detector

Discover more historical treasures with the most accurate target identification available. With a full colour LCD and advanced Target Tracediscrimination you will find more treasure, even amongst junk littered areas, in all ground conditions.

Minelab metal detectors

Enjoy the freedom of wireless audio with the versatility of built-in speaker and headphone options.

With Minelab's exclusive integrated GPS, you can navigate to your favourite locations and record your finds. Transfer your detecting information onto Google Maps using the XChange 2 PC application.

'Switch on and go' simplicity, five preset Search Modes and many automatic functions make it easy for the beginner to get started. Advanced features are easily accessible at the touch of a button for the experienced treasure hunter.

With the unrivalled performance of the CTX 3030 you'll experience The Future of Discovery!



You can go detecting anywhere with this versatile TREASURE detector. You have the flexibility of land and underwater detecting as the CTX 3030 is waterproof* to 10 ft (3 m).

Wireless Audio: 

Have the freedom to detect without your headphones being attached to your detector. With the WM 10 Wireless Module you have the choice of using the built-in speaker, supplied headphones or your own favourite headphones.

Ultimate FeCo Discrimination: 

With Ferrous (Fe) and Conductivity (Co) target resolution, plus adjustable Tone ID Profiles, you can detect (accept) the targets you want to and ignore (reject) the rest. With Target Trace and Target Separation, you can identify multiple targets simultaneously for accurate detecting results.

Full Colour Display: The full col...

ur LCD clearly displays more target information than ever before and greatly enhances the CTX 3030's discrimination capabilities.

Minelab metal detectors

GPS Locating: 

See where you have been, and where you are going, by using the Map screen and Navigation Tool. * GeoTrails show the ground that you have already covered. * WayPoints mark points of interest. * FindPoints mark your treasure locations. * GeoHunts record your entire detecting adventure.

 PC Mapping (with Google Maps): Upload all of your detector settings and treasure locations to your PC using the XChange 2 application. Attach photos and text to your finds, group them into categories. View the locations on Google Maps. You can also download data to your detector for re-exploring favourite areas.

Quick Menus (and smart functions): 

Quick Menus give you easy access to 'on the go' adjustments. Smart functions (Sensitivity, Noise Cancel, Audio, Ground Balance) and a customisable User button allow fast changes to your most used controls while detecting.

Ergonomic Design: 

The well balanced design has all the battery weight behind the armrest for comfortable detecting. The detector is fully adjustable to suit your needs.


You can choose from 9 different languages: English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish or Turkish.

Key Technologies: 

FBS 2 uses multiple frequency transmission and coil-to-detector data communication to find more targets in variable ground conditions. * Smartfind 2 provides digital signal processing and precision FeCo discrimination, with colour target information, for the best target identification results. * GPSi has very high sensitivity for accurate recording of geo locations. * Wi-Stream creates very fast wireless audio with no loss of sound quality.


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