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Minelab GPX4500 Metal detector .best gold detector reviews

A creation worth its weight in gold!

Stronger and more versatile than ever before, the Minelab GPX-4500 is the ultimate in cutting edge gold finding technology offering features and performance levels that other manufacturers are yet to match. Incorporating new Smart Electronic Timing Alignment (SETA) technology alongside Minelab's existing Multi Period Sensing (MPS) and Dual Voltage Technology (DVT), it is quieter and more immune to interference than earlier models, making it a real pleasure to use.

No matter if you've never picked up a detector before, the GPX-4500 offers a number of pre-programmed search modes allowing you to start detecting like an expert right away! Quieter threshold, louder target signals, improved discrimination, and more versatility, the GPX-4500 is the gold detector that gives the best results, bar none.

The improved discrimination, including the Iron Reject function, combined with the specially programmed Hi Trash search mode makes areas of extreme junk well worth a search. Also great for the specialist Relic and Jewellery hunter who demands the best, and wants to recover smaller and deeper targets invisible to most treasure detectors.

Offering all of the great features and high performance you have come to expect from a Minelab detector, the GPX-4500 is the latest in nugget detecting technology for the professional prospector or someone that simply wants the best.

Minelab metal detectors gpx4500


 SETA, DVT & MPS Technology delivers to you the most technologically advanced detector yet making small hard to hear nuggets more obvious.

 New timings so the GPX-4500 is even more versatile. In addition to the four timings found on the previous model the GPX-4500 introduces two new timings: Enhance and Sharp. The new Enhance timing is a powerful feature, similar to the Sensitive Smooth timing, but provides an improvement in the depth and signal response on small and large targets alike.

 The Sharp timing is more suited to quieter soils and can also be used as an aid to pin-point faint signals. Six pre-programmed search modes for easy switch on and go detecting. In addition to General and Deep search are Hi Mineral; Hi Trash; Patch and Test A modes.

 All six search modes can also be modified with your favourite settings and renamed. Ground balance off for neutral ...

soils in addition to normal and specific ground balance options on previous model. In GB Off the ground balance circuit is by-passed to give extra deep detection. This is a useful feature in very benign low mineralised, or salt saturated soils. This setting will also work well for treasure or relic hunters in loam or sandy soils.

 Back light so you can read the LCD menu in any light, day or night. The back light has adjustable time-out to preserve battery life.

 Stabilizer for the smoothest threshold. The stabilizer function is a fine tuner that gives the operator full control over the threshold stability. In quiet conditions, increase the stabilizer control and faint target signals will be more obvious. Turning it down will provide you with a smoother threshold, improving your ability to pick up the faintest of signals.

 Target Volume in addition to the Volume Limit control, which prevents signals from being too loud, the new Target Volume allows you to increase the strength of softer target signals.

 This is useful for very windy conditions, for people suffering from hearing loss, and to adjust the audio volume when using external speakers.

 The Target Volume can also be used as an audio boost in mild soils, and can be used to reduce or smooth out ground noise signals in highly mineralised soils. This is a powerful feature, and will work in conjunction with the Stabilizer control, to give you the ultimate in fine-tuning ability.

 Improved discrimination giving you access to the worst of trashy ground. The Iron Reject function allows the operator to set the desired level of discrimination, from cautious to aggressive. This will open up detecting in areas that have previously been passed over due to a high presence of ferrous junk.

 Built-in amplifier so you can hear soft target signals from deeper nuggets, more easily.

 The newly designed Li-lon battery pack now has an audio amplifier built in, allowing you to use an external speaker, without the need for any external booster.


 The design of the amplifier and the use of high-quality low noise components ensures the signal response is clear and crisp, without the added background hum of some boosters.


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