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Xp goldmaxx power metal detector reviews

With the Gold MAXX Power, you will find more than gold !

The Gold Maxx Power metal detector is an exceptional detector to find little targets in difficults type of soil (mineralized).

Its search frequency (18 kHz), makes it a very sensitive to targets that are usually very difficult to detect, like thin coins, gold nuggets, jewels and all other small objects.

Xp goldmaxx power metal detector

An important flexibility in the set up allows you to fit in with the ground you wish prospect, thanks to the Multi-Tones mode, the IRON LEVEL and the new IRON THRESHOLD adjustements.

We chose instantaneous sound signalling, rather than a LCD display because of the extraordinary faculties of analysis of the human ear compared to an LCD display.

LCD displays cannot respond in real time and do not capture weak signals that are too brief or too close to other signals

Gold Maxx Power sound signalling provides real-time output of he most imperceptible signal.

Our detectors use wide scan search heads (Double D), because this coil geometry allows a better grounds penetration.

The optional elliptic 24x11 search coil will improve the selectivity on iron trash area, this is the best complement to the Gold Maxx.

You will appreciate the sturdiness and the manufacturing quality of our equipment. Because a metal detector is generally used in extreme conditions, we have given full attention to the most sensitive parts. Gold Maxx Power is being developed and manufactured with quality components and material, thus ensuring your XP detector a maximum useful life.

This evolution of the Gold Maxx XP detector profits from a completely new electronic circuit, having new functions such as:

The wireless headphone: the transmitter is now integrated on the circuit boards of these four new detectors. It has been designed with two switchable channels. A FREQ SHIFT switch on the front of the detectors enables the two output channels to be toggled quickly and easily: CH 1 or CH 2.

Changing frequency: a new switch (FREQ SHIFT) enables the detection frequency (Freq. 1 or Freq. 2) to be set to reduce any interference from other XP devices being used nearby.

New analogical filters improving the detection of targets in iron infested areas. The masking circle generated by the iron is greatly reduced. Targets of interest in iron infested areas can therefore be detected more easily, thus enabling sweeping operations to be carried...

out more quickly.

We have also improved the gradation of the sensitivity settings, which are now far more precise. We have "zoomed in" on the range of sensitivity settings, enabling greater fine-tuning in your adjustments giving you the easiest possible sensitivity adjustments.

The Gold Maxx Power is still a "multi-tone" detector, but user can now adjust the iron level setting by using the IRON THRESHOLD potentiometer. This potentiometer can be viewed as a detection setting with a range only covering iron. It has fine-tuning settings ranging from 0 to 20. At 0, all iron sounds at medium pitch. The higher the setting, the lower the pitch for detected iron. This, for example, enables small nails just to be picked up at a low pitch, whereas larger ones will be detected at medium pitch. As you will doubtless already know, too high a level of discrimination can hinder the performance of a detector. This setting was previously preset at alevel suited to the majority of users. But most of the time, beginners do not want iron to register on their machines, whereas more advanced users prefer to have this option to make it easier to detect targets on difficult terrain.

The GROUND, SILENCER, IRON VOLUME (previously Level) settings remain unchanged.

The Gold Maxx Power is also fitted with a new, powerful circuit board combining performance and choice - two aspects which are usually very difficult to bring together. The Gold Maxx Power is streets ahead of its competitors with a similar search coil diameter in terms of speed of analysis.

Xp goldmaxx power metal detector


  1.  New 9" coil made with carbon fibre including a newly designed coil cover.
  2.  Very resistant cable, conceived to resist to movements constraints.
  3.  XP Connector top of the range, completely waterproof.
  4.  Light and robust ABS electronic box. For a maximum comfort, the box is worn hip mounted (Hipmount bag provided). It can also be fixed under the armrest.
  5.  Light detector and perfectly balanced.
  6.  Unbreakable armrest.
  7.  3 parts shaft with twin locking collar system.
  8.  Fibreglass lower stem.
  9.  New versatile hipmount bag doubling as a control box cover.


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